This course really deepened my knowledge about Yoga Asanas, Yoga philosophy, and Anatomy. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and it was very convenient to do it online. Manish is an excellent teacher, I also met a lot of new friends from all over the world and it not only helped my yoga practice, but also my life in general. 

Samaneh Mojaveri
Samaneh Mojaveri

This course really deepened my knowledge about Yoga Asanas, Yoga philosophy, and Anatomy. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and it was very convenient to do it online. Manish is an excellent teacher, I also met a lot of new friends from all over the world and it not only helped my yoga practice, but also my life in general. 

Sandra Spiers
Sandra Spiers

Yoga has always been my refuge but more so this year amid the pandemic and stay at home order. Yoga has helped me to stay stronger and calmer when the storms are raging and see challenges in a different light, more as an opportunity to learn and grow. I am physically stronger as well this year all thanks to Abhyasa and my yoga practice.

Slavica Gokul
Slavica Gokul

I have been practicing yoga erratically for the last 8 years, but I never felt it was complete for me. In less than 3 months practising Abhyasa every morning, I feel a deep amazing change in my body-mind, and in my daily life. I am so happy about it, so grateful and really looking forward to see how the positive deep impacts this journey will have on a long term! or many more abhyasas!

Blanche Delacourt
Blanche Delacourt

Abhyasa yoga program brought deeper sense of relaxation physically and that created more space mentally and spiritually. My core strength, flexibility, and stamina increased a lot, Intense practice of asanas focusing on alignment and balance, pranayamas, deep meditative practices and campfire discussions brought clear sankalp and vision for my practice. So grateful to be part of this. Thank you Manish 🙏🙏

Sudha Maradana
Sudha Maradana

I started yoga in Jan 7th 2020 with Manish in Sri Lanka for the first time ever. Immediately it felt really great, to connect with body and mind. After 1.5 months, I injured my knee and needed a surgery, so I started once again in August.
Since then, I’ve been practicing yoga for mental health, knee recovery, more strength in the full body and for a connection with myself. The journey has only started, since practicing yoga is my own time of the day and I feel more happy.


Thanks to Manish and ABHYASA for bringing me back to Yoga practice. I had been suffering from Thyroid issues and they got solved. I’ve lost inches and hope to lose weight too. Most importantly, I’ve found the Energy to pursue my passions and feel alive!

Kavita Pole
Kavita Pole

Practising the Abhyasa course daily with Manish has made my 2020 a year of positive growth and transformation. My body and mind have greatly benefited from my yoga practice by giving me strength, energy, focus, balance and health. Not only do I feel regenerated with positivity and happiness but I also spread this energy with people around me.

Sandra Spiers
Sandra Spiers

As the country battles the Covid-19 pandemic on a war-footing, Abhyasa is one thing which has kept me going. A consistent practice with awareness on the breath with Manish Pole has been an amazing blessing. First training the body, then the breath and then everything beautiful starts to happen by itself. Earlier I use to think that Yoga could be only done in person as there is an energy exchange but today as the year end, it has changed my perspective, Yoga is super effective even when done online. It is just that you need to find an amazing teacher and guide as I found one.

Personally, Abhyasa has helped me to become more patient, to sit in silence, watching myself, my thoughts, awareness within and not worrying much about things which are external and beyond control. I can sit in silence for 30 mins and that’s an achievement for me. I have developed the inner strength and most importantly have learned to be ALIVE in every moment as my mentor suggest. Thank you Manish for accepting me as a Student . Ever grateful. Prayer and good wishes.

Sweta Bidwai
Sweta Bidwai

How my yoga Abhyasa helped me in 2020?
I started this year on a high from 2019. I had been continuously traveling and living my best life. Once I returned home in March 2020, airports shut and the pandemic took over the world, I become stuck in a room with four walls and a fenced window. I started giving too much attention to the media and the world seemed like it was falling apart. From the covid news to the outrageous events in the United States. I was absorbing everyone’s issues around me and feeling heavy with everyone’s problems. I was agitated, angry, disappointed in humanity and feeling hopeless.

I came back to my practice with Manish and it helped be in the now. I stopped attaching myself to the media & others issues and started to remember a very important lesson from Gandhi that we even discussed in the Abhyasa group. “If you want to change the world, start with yourself” I realized I am not helping anyone or myself being agitated all day.

The Abhyasa program helped me move into stillness again. I found hope again and looked forward to growing physically and mentally everyday with the program. It helped prioritize my day, my needs and my relationships. I noticed a shift in setting my boundaries, my peace & time become my priority.
Many months later I feel revitalized, stronger mentally and physically and effortlessly living in harmony with life. I have lost most the weight I gained during lockdown period, I feel stronger and healthier. I notice my energy and mental clarity is so much better when I consistently do my Abhyasa, I feel like the best version of myself. The Abhyasa program was my rock during this unstable year and I have so much gratitude for Manish and his team for creating and sharing this program, it truly came along at the perfect time.

Aisha Al Ajil
Aisha Al Aji