CHAKRAS : Do they impact my daily Living?
If everything is the Cosmos is in a state of Vibration; within the atom and out there in the galaxies – then it means that you too have a particular Frequency at which you are in vibration. Right? That frequency is what we refer to as the Chakras; that’s how I like to share about it. Here’s how:
So, a CHAKRA is a vortex of Energy vibrating – and therefore has a frequency. Now these are not in our Physical body, but in our Energetic body – in Yoga we call it ‘Pranamaya Kosha’. We have 5 different Koshas or sheaths: Annamaya (physical), Pranamaya (energetic), Manomaya (thought), Vijnanamaya (psychic) & Anandamaya (bliss experience).

If everything is the Cosmos is in a state of Vibration; within the atom and out there in the galaxies – then it means that you too have a particular Frequency at which you are in vibration. Right? That frequency is what we refer to as the Chakras; that’s how I like to share about it. Here’s how:
So, a CHAKRA is a vortex of Energy vibrating – and therefore has a frequency. Now these are not in our Physical body, but in our Energetic body – in Yoga we call it ‘Pranamaya Kosha’. We have 5 different Koshas or sheaths: Annamaya (physical), Pranamaya (energetic), Manomaya (thought), Vijnanamaya (psychic) & Anandamaya (bliss experience).

So based on the Chakra vibrating most in us, that’s the frequency we live at. Now we know that everything is Energy – in the sense that when we are high on Energy that is manifest as Happiness and when we are low, we feel Stressed and overwhelmed. Right? This is how we feel. Which implies that our Feelings and Thoughts are dependent on our Energy Levels – or PRANA.
Let’s understand Prana – the closest English word would be ‘Livingness.’ It’s the subtle Energy that animates all of Life. The ancient Chinese called it Chi. It is this Prana that flows through Pranamaya Kosha and a Chakra is a vortex of this Energy. There are thousands of Chakras, but from the Tantra-Yoga perspective, we look at 7 important Chakras.
Please find all of this explained in great detail in our Beyond Asana course: 1 of the 21 modules is solely dedicated to the CHAKRAS, while the other modules cover everything from Philosophy, Anatomy, Mantras, Mudras and more.
The best way to understand our Chakras is to equate it with the level of Intensity with which a person lives their life. Through our ‘SADHANA’ (spiritual practice), we raise KUNDALINI Shakti (the dormant psychic Energy is us) from the base of our spine upwards through Sushumna Nadi (the central pranic channel). As this dormant Kundalini rises, it activates different semi-dormant Chakras, which have the effect of progressively energising different aspects of our Experience of Life. It’s conceptually much simpler than this explanation describes – but at the same time it’ shighly nuanced. Because what really matters is – if your Energy is flowing out of Manipura or Anahata – how does it impact the quality of your everyday life?! If it doesn’t, then you visualising a violet light at Ajna chakra, means very little. Right? We’ve all encountered (and perhaps it could be ourselves) people who say they are seeing these lights and geometric patterns and yet behave weirdly in Life. That makes no sense, so let’s just understand the psychological aspects associated with each Chakra.
Our 7 significant CHAKRAS.
- MOOLADHAR Chakra – {literally ‘base/ root’} – when this is functioning fine, we feel Secure and grounded and when imbalanced we feel Insecure.
- SWADHISTHAN Chakra – {literally ‘one’s own abode’} – when this is balanced we have a healthy relationship with Pleasure, but if this is not active we are not even motivated to experience Pleasure and finally it it is overactive, we could spend a lifetime chasing Pleasure in food, drink, sex etc.
- MANIPURA Chakra – {literally ‘city of jewels’} – when this is balanced we have a healthy relationship with Power, but if this is not active we cannot be Leaders and do what we want to, and finally it it is overactive we could become like Dictators and hurt people by abusing our Power.
- ANAHATA Chakra – {literally ‘unstruck’} – when this is balanced we are able to Love and Accept people as they are, but if this is not active we cannot truly Accept people and constantly seek to change/dominate the People we feel we Love as well.
- VISHUDDHI Chakra – {literally ‘extreme purification’} – when this is active we have tremendous psychic powers as well as clear Communication and a non-Judgemental attitude; but if this is not active we remain Judgemental through Life.
- AJNA Chakra – {literally ‘instructions’} – when this is active we have Clarity and non-Duality in our understanding of Life, but if it is not active then we experience our own clouded version of Existence.
- SAHASRAAR Chakra – {literally ‘thousand-petalled’} – when this is activated we are in a state of Buddha-hood. I’ll stop at that as it’s an Experience and not an Intellectualisation. Language cannot describe Silence!
Dear friends,
I do hope that this has been helpful in describing in a simple way about the Chakras. Of course, no Blog can do justice to the topic itself – vast as it is. Write in to me at [email protected] with Questions and also with your own Experiences of the Chakras.
Please find all of this explained in great detail in our Beyond Asana course: 1 of the 21 modules is solely dedicated to the CHAKRAS, while the other modules cover everything from Philosophy, Anatomy, Mantras, Mudras and more….