What is 21st Century Yoga?

Our story

21st CENTURY YOGA is our term to describe learning Yoga online. The subject is as Ancient as recorded History; but the delivery modality has changed through the ages.

Today, practising Yoga online breaks boundaries – allowing you to learn from a Teacher who could be anywhere in the World; just like in ancient times when Yogis lived in Nature.

Combine the convenience and direct mentorship of this approach; with immersive retreats in nature where you get to practice and learn in great depth. That’s the Experience we’re crafting for Yogis who are looking to make Yoga an integral part of their Life!

Every course we design is based on awakening one’s Body, Mind and Prana. It’s not about flexibility or weight loss, nor is it about Mindfulness alone.

This coming together of all aspects of training every part of you, makes 21st Century Yoga courses unique!


Manish Pole - 21st Century Yoga
21st Century Yoga Courses

The 21st Century USP

Who we are and the experience we bring;

Being a Yoga Educator requires years of experience of Teaching Yoga in real world spaces. Having taught Yoga for nearly 20 years, we’ve then deeply studied the Design aesthetic to deliver an exceptional experience to learn Yoga online.

In the beginning of 2020, when Covid-19 was upon us and in March when the lockdowns were enforced worldwide keeping all us indoors, we felt there was a need to offer Yoga and Meditation courses in an efficient and visual medium on the internet which would take the barrier of going to a physical centre out and let anyone and everyone access Yoga at an affordable price straight from the comfort of their own home no matter wherever they were on earth. That’s when Manish Pole, an experienced Yoga practitioner and Sumeru Bahuguna, a digital entrepreneur came together and 21st Century Yoga was born.

So once we bring together Teaching Experience and an understanding of how and what Yogis want to Practice and Learn – we Design the course and the platform to facilitate Learning. We see 21st Century Yoga as a Yoga Educator.